Three tips that people with epilepsy should remember when moving house

If you are an epileptic who has seizures quite often, then the following advice may help you when you are moving house.

Implement a stress-reduction plan during the days leading up the move

A house move is one of the most stressful and tiring experiences a person can go through. Unfortunately, many people who have epilepsy find that their seizures are triggered by stress and exhaustion. If this is the case for you and you want to minimise your chances of having a seizure whilst moving, you must take measures to remain relaxed, calm and well-rested in the days leading up to the move.

Aside from ensuring that you are fully prepared for the move itself (as any worries about not having packed everything up or not having dealt with any moving-related administration is likely to result in you feeling stressed), you should also get plenty of exercise (this will ease any anxiety you might be feeling and help you to sleep better) and do things that you find fun or relaxing (such as hanging out with your friends, watching comedy shows, spending time with your pets, etc.). This should ensure that you feel relatively at ease when it is time to get the moving process started.

Additionally, on the night before the move is due to occur, you should aim to go to bed as early as possible so that your energy levels do not get too low (and put you at risk of a seizure) the following day.

Tell the removalists about your condition and what they should do (or not do) if you have a seizure

It is extremely important to tell the removalists that you have epilepsy and to talk about what they should do if a seizure occurs whilst they are helping you to move house.

Removalists are not medical professionals and cannot provide medical assistance, but it could still be very helpful for them to be aware of the things that they should (or should not) do if you have a seizure in their presence. For example, you might want to tell them to turn you onto your side to ensure that you can breathe and advise them not to attempt to keep you still whilst the seizure is occurring. Giving them this information should minimise the risk of this incident having serious consequences.

Do not offer to participate in the removals process

It is best not to offer to help when the removals team starts working. The reason for this is that if you have a seizure whilst you and one of these professionals are, for example, carrying a sofa, the sofa could fall on top of you when you collapse and could badly injure you.

Likewise, if you have a seizure whilst carrying some breakable items, like a wall mirror, you could fall and land on top of the item, which could result in you being cut by the shards of broken glass. In short, helping out could lead to much more severe injuries if you happen to experience a seizure.

For more information on moving house, contact a removalist.
